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I do not agree with the contents (Islamically, otherwise) of a product. What should I do? - Powered By IslamicBookstore.com
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Support Center » Knowledgebase » I do not agree with the contents (Islamically, otherwise) of a product. What should I do?
 I do not agree with the contents (Islamically, otherwise) of a product. What should I do?
Solution We attempt to do a good review of the products we sell, in that they either conform with mainstream Islamic teachings ("Ahl ul Sunnah wa'l Jamaat), or they provide a conduit towards learning or understanding of other ideologies or worldviews relevant to the understanding and application of the practicing Muslim. Thus, we may sell items which do NOT conform to the mainstream Islamic teachings of ahl ul Sunnah wa'l Jamaat, and will try to identify such. This is sometimes the case when offering comparative religion material, or material from a divergent school of thought in Islam (such as the limited number of Shi'a perspective products we offer).

Our intention is not to offend, but to provide a solid Islamic bookstore, giving some latitude in terms of difference of opinion and thought, with ultimate respect to our customers, and in attempts to please Allah (God, swt) in providing a useful and comprehensive service to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

That said, if you would like to issue a complaint or objection, you are welcome to contact us regarding it, and our editorial and management staff will review on a case-by-case basis. We generally will take back any material deemed offensive, and will review said item(s) if the content therein is problematic.

Article Details
Article ID: 20
Created On: 28 Jan 2007 07:14 PM

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